Specializing in Retirement Plans for Employer Sponsored Programs such as:
- Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
- Registered Pension Plans (RPP)
- Deferred Profit Sharing Plans (DPSP)
- Tax Free Savings Plans (TFSA)
- Non-Registered Savings Plans
- Individual/Personal Pension Plans for Business Owners (I/PPP)
How we support the Plan Sponsor:
- Analysis of current program (if existing) or develop customized plan design
- Independent Marketing of fees and services of top service providers
- Benchmark your program to your Industry Sector
- Help to manage your fiduciary risk
- Provide relevant regulatory updates
- Regular reviews of plan, investments, fees and member communication
How we support the Plan Member:
- Individual Investment Advice; Retirement Planning; Financial Planning
- Customized group in-house education sessions (including webinars) and recording of sessions for future viewing
- All communications are provided in a method to best reach members (ie. face-to-face, email, payroll stuffer, mail, recorded webinar, live webinar, phone)